Monday, July 25, 2011

Second Stage--TN to TX

Sunday morning we departed Nashville at 6am. Winston didn't want to go in the car--he made Husband chase him around the perimeter of the house! But we got him and loaded him up. He didn't complain once we were rolling.
This drive is two things: 1) a lot less pretty, and 2) a LOT more hot. The exterior thermometer on the car read 106 starting around 10am. Because of this, our stops had to be shorter and less playful for Winston. Fortunately, two days of sniffing around the house in TN had worn him out, because he slept a larger part of the day. He didn't eat breakfast again, but he didn't say no to snacks from our lunch! We also noticed on this drive that he desired a lot more water. We had packed a lot of bottles of it, so that was okay. He took water from his sport-cap bottle at every stop, plus drank from his travel bowl in the car.
The other habit that he was much more interested in this time was being "with" us, meaning sitting in my lap up front. This was achieved rather comically by me laying back the passenger seat, and him climbing onto it and down to my lap. Also, this was the trip when he hung his head out the window for the first time--too cute!
Arrival in TX was 8pm. Another easy trip.

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