Hyperbole? Nah. So there's been very little road-tripping in Winston's life over the last couple days. The only other time he's been in the car is to go to my mother-in-law's house, where he met Gidget, her dog. Poor Gidget is a rescue and has been through a lot in her life, so she was mostly just terrified of the meeting. Winston for his part ignored her mostly, chased her like a cat for a second, and made himself at home with her toys and chew sticks. Spoiled.
The thing I will note about this is the need for water. Even for a 30 minute drive, we really should've packed a bottle in this heat. Not travelling via car normally, we didn't really pack his bag like we do when going around Brooklyn. Not a good idea! Luckily MIL had fresh water on hand and waiting for him--shoutout to her for that! Thanks Cindy!
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